Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can you love a place you've never been?

I don't know how it started but about two years ago, I began my fascination(and obsession) with Seattle. Growing up in Southern California and eventually moving to the Arizona desert, I have come to loath the sun, the heat, and the sweating that comes from performing the simplest of tasks anytime from June through September. Quite frankly, even October and November are still to hot for my taste.

On the other side, I don't like the snow either. Let me clarify, I love to visit snowy areas (lake Tahoe is beautiful in the wintertime) but I know I would never want to live where I would have to shovel snow from my driveway every single day in the winter months or become a prisoner of my own home because of the "activity stopping" weather.

While most people grow sad, depressed, or somewhere along that path, I love the way rainy weather makes me feel, behave, and think. The rain affects me at the deepest levels of my core, my soul. Simply put, Seattle's rain is very appealing to me.

Also, Seattle is home of two of the major businesses I have come to love: Starbucks and REI. I closely follow these companies and I have a deep appreciation for the rich history's and cultures.